Sunday, September 5, 2010

It was sticking out so far! - Post #5

First, most of you know what happened to me earlier this evening. If not, I will tell you quickly! I was sitting at the table at a fiesta dinner party thing when all of a sudden the table got bumped and this lady's RED WINE toppled over and spilled all over my WHITE outfit!!! ... that's the SECOND time that's happened to me!

Hooray for Oxi-Clean though, it took those stains right out! =D

Okay here's the main reason for this post. Im sitting here on the floor texting my friend @meagan_o about online shopping at Bath and Body Works and I got REALLY SUPER DUPER EXCITED so what do I do? I move into crawling position and crawl (because that's what all grownups do! pfft!) REALLY fast towards the spot where the netbook was laying....under the desk. Well I judged wrong and didn't realize the keyboard slide out was sticking out THAT far and ran into the damn thing! I kind of felt like a dinosaur that didnt realize it's head was that big.

Air Kisses,

Master Perv

1 comment:

  1. LMFAO!! That part of the movie always make me LOL. You are nuts and I love you for it!!
